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Автор: Noel Mount

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Noel Mount

Noel Mount

Об авторе, техника

Currently trying to post process with Lightroom 4.3, Photoshop CS4 Photomatrix and a couple of Nik software programs....All with specific possibilities...Camera Nikon D7000 and a new Nikon V2 mirrorless..

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Named by some as one of the four corners of the earth
The town of Fogo
Noel Mount
1 / 10 / 81
25.ноя.13 (пн)
Birches...... Fog.... and the Mountain
Welcome to Green Bay....
Noel Mount
0 / 25 / 77
19.ноя.13 (вт)
Newfoundland.... after the fish ran out
Where did the cod go...... did we eat them all ?
Noel Mount
1 / 39 / 114
16.ноя.13 (сб)
Tilting... Fogo Island
Cottage ...
Noel Mount
0 / 63 / 100
13.ноя.13 (ср)
The caribou are now herding together....
Poetry in motion....
Noel Mount
7 / 123 / 176
11.ноя.13 (пн)
Study in black and white....
Pine root on the shore of the lake....
Noel Mount
8 / 126 / 204
31.окт.13 (чт)
Photoshop fiddling for fun
Claudia on the beach
Noel Mount
0 / 18 / 97
28.окт.13 (пн)
Baxter State Park....
Noel Mount
0 / 12 / 92
23.окт.13 (ср)
Rocks make up the roadbed.... a hard ride with a horse and wagon
The old country road to the mountai top
Noel Mount
1 / 2 / 116
16.окт.13 (ср)
Fog over our pond.....
Mist in the mountains
Noel Mount
4 / 78 / 160
10.окт.13 (чт)
The head dress is a new fabric that is made from Paper   that is our latest invention...
Noel Mount
0 / 31 / 176
1.окт.13 (вт)
A portrait in Sepia
Claudia at the window
Noel Mount
0 / 36 / 155
28.сен.13 (сб)
A fascinating community... so meticulous ... with angels as kids.
An Amish angel....spotted at the Fair
Noel Mount
1 / 20 / 111
25.сен.13 (ср)
Lost in the woods... an old cape is slowly sinking into the landscape
In Maine we call it a..... FIXXERUPPER
Noel Mount
2 / 42 / 204
18.сен.13 (ср)
The dam in Livermore..... at full force after four solid days of rain....
Rain and Rain and rain......
Noel Mount
0 / 16 / 122
15.сен.13 (вс)
No neighbors...... just the hooting owls and a night full of stars
Home for four days... and nights.....
Noel Mount
2 / 29 / 129
12.сен.13 (чт)
Colors of the moombeam...
Night scene... as seen
Noel Mount
0 / 0 / 117
5.сен.13 (чт)
This is the female.... The male makes the extra woven part across the spiral web... Scary but harmless here in Maine
The Black and yellow Garden spider
Noel Mount
0 / 27 / 91
2.сен.13 (пн)
Windsor Maine ... Hot August day...
Fun at the Fair
Noel Mount
2 / 15 / 132
30.авг.13 (пт)
Reeds and shadows clash in the bogs
Reeds in the bogland...
Noel Mount
0 / 9 / 103
28.авг.13 (ср)
Farmer.... and friend... Ellis Percy
My friend Ellis
Noel Mount
7 / 54 / 129
26.авг.13 (пн)
The Female loon is now very protective of its single offspring... still with its underclothes of down... It has around twelve weeks to get ready for the flight to thew ocean...
End of August and you still in underclothes little
Noel Mount
0 / 0 / 130
22.авг.13 (чт)
Richardson Lake is a Manmade lake.... used in times gone by to float Timber to the sawmills.... now deserted with broad sand shores there are only a handful of wanderers around... I am the only Backpacker to reach the lake today....
On the lake...
Noel Mount
0 / 9 / 101
20.авг.13 (вт)
Frogs and flowers.... bugs and bites...
In the Marshes .... there is always life
Noel Mount
0 / 3 / 105
13.авг.13 (вт)
A camping trip to a small Island on Richardson Lake... Just grass patterns caused by the wind
Sand and the Grass on Pine Island
Noel Mount
0 / 2 / 99
11.авг.13 (вс)
We drove 400 miles to collect two weaving looms... Pretty little village in the mountains
Harrisville New Hampshire
Noel Mount
3 / 60 / 198
8.авг.13 (чт)
Al Newman... friend and Maths teacher
My Friend Al... Fine Teacher
Noel Mount
3 / 27 / 102
6.авг.13 (вт)
It Looks like a tiny toad.... waiting to ambush an insect lunch
Predator in the lilly...
Noel Mount
2 / 12 / 70
1.авг.13 (чт)
Sundown... and the lamp is lit
Looking out
Noel Mount
0 / 18 / 119
25.июля.13 (чт)
Every year there is a pageant in our town of Hallowell where antique cars parade through the street.... Joy for grandparents
The joy of being a grandparent
Noel Mount
7 / 66 / 148
22.июля.13 (пн)
Every year they race across ten miles of Ocean in the small hand made Punts... in Fogo Island
Ready for the Punt Race
Noel Mount
0 / 32 / 133
19.июля.13 (пт)
The tiny harbor is really difficult to enter in the storm season...
Sailing out of Port aux Basques....
Noel Mount
2 / 42 / 164
16.июля.13 (вт)
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