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Noel Mount

Noel Mount

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Currently trying to post process with Lightroom 4.3, Photoshop CS4 Photomatrix and a couple of Nik software programs....All with specific possibilities...Camera Nikon D7000 and a new Nikon V2 mirrorless..

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My friend Joe....
Noel Mount
4 / 9 / 113
13.июля.13 (сб)
The Atlantic dream was out for 5 hours and returned with 3000lbs of cod... a good day for the three men fishing the Atlantic Ocean off Fogi Island
The Cod harvest has started with a good catch
Noel Mount
3 / 36 / 156
11.июля.13 (чт)
It's twilight time ...... in Fogo Island
Heavenly shades of night are falling
Noel Mount
3 / 63 / 120
9.июля.13 (вт)
Tiny Bog Flower....
Birds Eye Pimrose
Noel Mount
0 / 3 / 130
6.июля.13 (сб)
The Coyotes took the sheep... the sea took the boat and the men
Scene from the shore
Noel Mount
3 / 33 / 125
3.июля.13 (ср)
8.30 p.m..... High ISO.... and fog to stir the soul
Fog... in the bay
Noel Mount
1 / 39 / 104
30.июня.13 (вс)
The people were resettled... away from the cove... to Tilting , Fogo Island... leaving behind the land they farmed, fished and hunted for generations
Cape Cove
Noel Mount
0 / 32 / 119
27.июня.13 (чт)
https://www.facebook.com/winston.osmond?fref=ts   Find Winstons paintings here.....
Winston Osmond Fine artist and friend
Noel Mount
0 / 15 / 104
25.июня.13 (вт)
On Fogo Island there is a tradition of craftsmanship ... Lilian caries on her work as a Rug-hooker making beautiful pieces ...
Lilian Dwyer.... Artist and friend
Noel Mount
0 / 30 / 135
23.июня.13 (вс)
In that great ocean where the Titanic was fouled by an iceberg... Roy fished for codfish for years until the fish ran out...
Roy Dwyer seafarer, storyteller and friend
Noel Mount
10 / 199 / 354
20.июня.13 (чт)
Thunder and lightning was severs.... but when the clouds opened up the lighting was electric
After the thunderstorm.... the light was electric
Noel Mount
4 / 69 / 181
18.июня.13 (вт)
Spring has started ... at last the wild flowers come alive
Sedge in the bogs
Noel Mount
2 / 6 / 126
15.июня.13 (сб)
Evening and the sunsets over the ocean,,, in Newfoundland
Sundown in Tilting
Noel Mount
3 / 6 / 110
13.июня.13 (чт)
Fogo Island.... The cod fishing is so restricted due to overfishing... Shrimp and crab is the last harvest from what was a bountiful sea
Crab pots ready for the season to start
Noel Mount
10 / 0 / 133
11.июня.13 (вт)
A baren landscape... in a grand place...
The colors of wind rain and rock
Noel Mount
0 / 9 / 97
9.июня.13 (вс)
The village is tiny... and the names on the gravestones very Irish ... not a lot of families here and very few children
Tilting , Fogo Island Newfoundland..... windy and
Noel Mount
7 / 19 / 198
7.июня.13 (пт)
Tilting is a small village on the east coast of Fogo Island ... The first Irish settlement in New world
Boats.... and the village of Tilting NF
Noel Mount
2 / 57 / 102
4.июня.13 (вт)
Heading out to Newfoundland.... The ship could not get to the dock due to the high winds... everybody seasick
Heavy seas.... and a strong North wind
Noel Mount
0 / 18 / 114
2.июня.13 (вс)
May in Maine ... time to clear out the attic and cellar and pass on treasures to the neighbours
What price for a yard sale item...
Noel Mount
5 / 54 / 146
30.мая.13 (чт)
The beavers are active again this year...
Beaver hut..... active and busy
Noel Mount
12 / 21 / 153
25.мая.13 (сб)
The blossoms on these Pear trees really smell bad... The trees are decorative
Rainy Day by the River
Noel Mount
1 / 13 / 113
22.мая.13 (ср)
A place to bring the car to fix it
Fine Auto Repair and Salvage
Noel Mount
0 / 5 / 119
19.мая.13 (вс)
Just a small store in a street of Antique stores
Josiah Smith's store ...
Noel Mount
1 / 14 / 120
17.мая.13 (пт)
The trail follows the old railroad... along the bank of the mighty Kennebec river from Augusta to Gardiner... Flat land for the joggers
Hallowell, Maine ... The Rail Trail...
Noel Mount
2 / 33 / 122
15.мая.13 (ср)
I revisited tha photo... and tried  to remove chromatic aberration on the far wall.. The Fancy House in Kennebunk Maine is a Landmark
Wedding Cake House
Noel Mount
0 / 14 / 118
10.мая.13 (пт)
A host of golden daffodils... beside the road, beneath the trees,,,, fluttering and dancing in the breeze "
The real color of spring.... in Maine
Noel Mount
1 / 27 / 147
6.мая.13 (пн)
Trillium in Bloom.... time for Trout in the ponds of the Park
Howe Brook Baxter State park
Noel Mount
2 / 36 / 129
4.мая.13 (сб)
The horned owl was attacked and hurt.... we tried to save its life..... to no avail...
Horned owl..... no emotion here...
Noel Mount
2 / 15 / 141
2.мая.13 (чт)
Lived in Maine woods with Noel ... her husband for 30 years in the woods of Maine...
30 years in the Maine woods.... She said to me !
Noel Mount
6 / 24 / 156
30.апр.13 (вт)
Leading from the old carriage trail over the brook... to the meadow in the woods
The path to sunshine
Noel Mount
0 / 7 / 107
26.апр.13 (пт)
Hallowell, my home town was an 18,000 acre piece of land given to the Hallowell Family by an English King .... The Mighty Kennebec river flows through the town. The population around 2400.artisans, artists,and musicians
Vaughn Brook
Noel Mount
0 / 3 / 87
21.апр.13 (вс)
The foundation of Granite rocks had tumbled in and the rotted wood eaten away over the years.... but there. in the ruin was the old cooking pot...
The lost homestead ... deep in the Maine woods
Noel Mount
1 / 4 / 91
19.апр.13 (пт)
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