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Автор: Noel Mount

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Noel Mount

Noel Mount

Об авторе, техника

Currently trying to post process with Lightroom 4.3, Photoshop CS4 Photomatrix and a couple of Nik software programs....All with specific possibilities...Camera Nikon D7000 and a new Nikon V2 mirrorless..

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In that great ocean where the Titanic was fouled by an iceberg... Roy fished for codfish for years until the fish ran out...
Roy Dwyer seafarer, storyteller and friend
Noel Mount
10 / 199 / 354
20.июня.13 (чт)
Portland Harbor ... a place to buy the freshest catch straight off the boat
The fishmarket in Portland, Maine
Noel Mount
7 / 131 / 184
13.мар.13 (ср)
Study in black and white....
Pine root on the shore of the lake....
Noel Mount
8 / 126 / 204
31.окт.13 (чт)
The caribou are now herding together....
Poetry in motion....
Noel Mount
7 / 123 / 176
11.ноя.13 (пн)
Phil is not the neatest guy.... but the view from his yard is really great
The camp at the top of the hill
Noel Mount
12 / 117 / 190
15.мар.13 (пт)
Quebec city revisited....
Noel Mount
3 / 102 / 138
21.янв.15 (ср)
Knowlton Quebec ... After the storm
Noel Mount
5 / 90 / 139
27.дек.13 (пт)
Cobboseecontee lake.. place of many Sturgeon
Noel Mount
0 / 81 / 123
8.дек.15 (вт)
Come on Sun.. Burn off the fog...
Noel Mount
3 / 81 / 89
22.июня.14 (вс)
Fog over our pond.....
Mist in the mountains
Noel Mount
4 / 78 / 160
10.окт.13 (чт)
Winter wonderland.... in Maine...
Noel Mount
1 / 72 / 144
29.янв.15 (чт)
Down river buds are popping.....
Noel Mount
1 / 69 / 177
9.апр.15 (чт)
Newfoundland ocean....
Noel Mount
1 / 69 / 120
29.мар.14 (сб)
Thunder and lightning was severs.... but when the clouds opened up the lighting was electric
After the thunderstorm.... the light was electric
Noel Mount
4 / 69 / 181
18.июня.13 (вт)
Another piece of Greemland arrives in Fogo Island
Noel Mount
1 / 66 / 75
2.мая.19 (чт)
Meanwhile back on FOGO ISLAND....
Noel Mount
0 / 66 / 87
12.ноя.15 (чт)
Second man in the Russian youth Relay Biathlon team in Maine USA... This team DOMINATED and even with  two penalty laps added due to Shooting errors.... were thirty or more seconds ahead of the nearest team....
Dmitrii Shamaev Russian Biathlete
Noel Mount
2 / 66 / 136
8.мар.14 (сб)
Every year there is a pageant in our town of Hallowell where antique cars parade through the street.... Joy for grandparents
The joy of being a grandparent
Noel Mount
7 / 66 / 148
22.июля.13 (пн)
Only the ghosts wander the grey corridors.  Somber granite buildings abandoned for over thirty years.
The asylum in Augusta Maine
Noel Mount
8 / 66 / 135
11.мар.13 (пн)
The trail home from The lion's Den harbour...
Noel Mount
3 / 65 / 101
1.янв.20 (ср)
Dusk at Joe Batt's arm
Noel Mount
2 / 65 / 130
3.окт.17 (вт)
The Bottom....
Noel Mount
1 / 65 / 180
28.сен.17 (чт)
The card game.....
Noel Mount
3 / 63 / 112
13.апр.14 (вс)
Fogo Fisherman....
Noel Mount
0 / 63 / 99
13.фев.14 (чт)
Tilting... Fogo Island
Cottage ...
Noel Mount
0 / 63 / 100
13.ноя.13 (ср)
It's twilight time ...... in Fogo Island
Heavenly shades of night are falling
Noel Mount
3 / 63 / 120
9.июля.13 (вт)
Back cove 5 2eb 14th 2018 (1 of 1)
Noel Mount
2 / 60 / 128
15.фев.18 (чт)
December storm...
Noel Mount
5 / 60 / 147
18.дек.16 (вс)
Mount Washington New Hampshire....
Noel Mount
1 / 60 / 95
12.апр.16 (вт)
We drove 400 miles to collect two weaving looms... Pretty little village in the mountains
Harrisville New Hampshire
Noel Mount
3 / 60 / 198
8.авг.13 (чт)
Spring hints through the woods.....
Noel Mount
0 / 59 / 181
3.апр.15 (пт)
...... Tenting in Canada...
August..... and a quiet spot for a tent on the bay
Noel Mount
1 / 58 / 126
30.ноя.13 (сб)
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