Соколовская Елена | 29.фев.08 в 1:23 | |
1 | Интересно, но размер надо уменьшить на половину...
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Гриненко Ирина | 29.фев.08 в 8:24 | |
2 | Ограждение можно было бы и убрать.
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Zoran | 29.фев.08 в 13:23 | |
3 | Thank you Elena for your comment, next photography will be as you said. This is my photography at this sight, and I made mistake. Thank you.
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Zoran | 29.фев.08 в 13:25 | |
4 | Thank you Irina for your comment and my first points at this sight, thank you very much. Irina, I agree with you about cage, but I did not have too much choice and time. In cave everything was interesting and light was very bad for photography. I have about half hour for all photographs. I decided to make more photographs because I am not often there. Cave is marvelous. This is the most beautiful cave in Serbia, maybe and the biggest. Trough the cave there is Rajko's river. Near the cave is gold-mine in Majdanpek in Serbia. Thank you very much.
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Zoran | 4.мар.08 в 0:19 | |
5 | Спасибо
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оllika | 4.мар.08 в 0:29 | |
6 | Очень притягивает, даже завораживает вид этой пещеры...
Жаль - размер выбрали большой. Я не поленилась - скачала в ФШ - Ваш размер 1333 х 2000 , а рекомендовано на сайте 600 х 800. Уменьшив до 700 х 1050 - работа смотрится удобнее.
Very attracts, even charms the type of this cave...
It is sorry - a size was chosen large. I not was too lazy - got in FSH is Your size of 1333 kh 2000, but it is recommended on the site of 600 kh 800. Decreasing to 700 kh 1050 - work looks at oneself more comfortable.
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Zoran | 4.мар.08 в 3:35 | |
7 | Thank you very much for your comments, I did not know in that moment recommanded size. It was my first photography which I uploaded on the site. My Best Regards
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barbara | 5.мар.08 в 21:59 | |
8 | Gde je ta pecina?
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Zoran | 5.мар.08 в 22:04 | |
9 | Rajkova pecina se nalazi blizu Majdanpeka i kazu da je nas najlepsa pecina ima dva sprata po kilometar i nesto koji su za turiste i ko zna koliko jos neistrazenog sto nije za turiste. Mogu vam preko Vlade Dj. dati sve slike da vidite. U homoljskim planinama ima jos jedna manja, a jako lepa pecina Ceremosnja. Hvala na bodovima.
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barbara | 5.мар.08 в 22:22 | |
10 | Naravno! Mada, bolje je da to ide preko Margarete!
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Бранислав В. Станковић | 5.мар.08 в 22:23 | |
11 | (8: barbara) Gde je ta pecina? |
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Zoran | 5.мар.08 в 22:25 | |
12 | dogovoreno!
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Zoran | 5.мар.08 в 22:26 | |
13 | (11: Бранислав В. Станковић) | Rajkova pecina se nalazi blizu Majdanpeka i kazu da je nas najlepsa pecina ima dva sprata po kilometar i nesto koji su za turiste i ko zna koliko jos neistrazenog sto nije za turiste. Mogu vam preko Vlade Dj. dati sve slike da vidite. U homoljskim planinama ima jos jedna manja, a jako lepa pecina Ceremosnja. Hvala na bodovima.
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Zoran | 5.мар.08 в 22:59 | |
14 | (11: Бранислав В. Станковић) | A mozes dobiti i slike preko Margarete.
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Margareta | 6.мар.08 в 12:51 | |
Zoran | 6.мар.08 в 14:53 | |
15 | Hvala
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Andrew Ni | 12.мар.08 в 4:23 | |
Zoran | 12.мар.08 в 21:41 | |
16 | Спасибо
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Alexander Crafty | 13.мар.08 в 1:46 | |
17 | в Крыму тоже есть такие пещеры, только более цветные ;)
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Zoran | 13.мар.08 в 1:55 | |
18 | Спасибо
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Zoran | 13.мар.08 в 1:55 | |
19 | Спасибо
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Alexander Crafty | 13.мар.08 в 2:23 | |
20 | In cave everything was interesting and light was very bad for photography
It is true.
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Zoran | 13.мар.08 в 2:33 | |
21 | There are more interesting photographs, I am going to put them in next time. When I go there again, I will take some filter to suppress light. :)))
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Alexander Crafty | 13.мар.08 в 3:12 | |
22 | (21: Zoran) There are more interesting photographs, I am going to put them in next time. When I go there again, I will take some filter to suppress light. :))) | ... and external flash ;)
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Марина Буренкова | 13.мар.08 в 11:38 | |
23 | !!!
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Zoran | 13.мар.08 в 17:33 | |
24 | You are right, I forgot it. When I enlarge my budget, I will buy external flash. :)))
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Zoran | 13.мар.08 в 17:34 | |
25 | Спасибо:)))
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Lusyen | 15.мар.08 в 11:20 | |
Lusyen | 15.мар.08 в 11:20 | |
26 | на Крымские пещеры похоже..
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Zoran | 15.мар.08 в 12:23 | |
27 | Спасибо!!!
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Рожкова Наталия | 25.мая.08 в 8:28 | |
28 | Таинственная красота! Свободно в кадре, замечательно!
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Zoran | 25.мая.08 в 9:35 | |
29 | Спасибо:)))
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