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Автор: tb_parazitka > Галерея > Фотографии >

 it needs time to win back your love again...

hello. help me. i cant write comments and so. what does mean 25 point? someone help me ok? i don know russian. help me to be able to write down something i need. e.g. comments, forum and so... will you? and does this skyte has PM? i couldnt find it... in a word, im in a trouble... please, help me....
thank you.
it needs time to win back your love again...
hello. help me. i cant write comments and so. what does mean 25 point? someone help me ok? i don know russian. help me to be able to write down something i need. e.g. comments, forum and so... will you? and does this skyte has PM? i couldnt find it... in a word, im in a trouble... please, help me....
thank you.

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it needed time to win back his love again..
but now people are dying...
time goes by...

Автор: tb_parazitka

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Загружена26.июля.08 (сб) в в 22:08Рейтинг за 24 часа22
РубрикаРазное Баллов27
АльбомФотографии Просмотров672

tb_parazitka26.июля.08 в 22:32
1hello. i cant understand how and when will i be able to write down comments, retate photo, go to forum and so..

i couldnt find PM to write down a letter for someone..

ill be happy to write me okai?

in english please, i dont know russian...

thank you...

as you see, i'm first here and need someone for helps....

thanks again...

tb_parazitka26.июля.08 в 22:50
2six people has seen the photo, and noone is able to answer to this simple (for them) question....

oh... ok... it seems, the people in this syte, dont like newers.

ok.. ill try to find a new one.

jonnel26.июля.08 в 23:14+3
Zoran26.июля.08 в 23:34+3
(2: автор фото)
You need 25 points from other authors; in that case you will be able to comment photos of other people. When you have 150 points from 5 your best photos, you will be able to give points to other authors. Mr. Jonnel gave you 3 points, he is able to give points, and your photo is good in his opinion and deserves 3 points. Someone who watch your photo can give you -1,0,1,2,3 points, it depends of their impression and opinion about your photo.
Your comments No2 is not true, do not worry be happy and wait.
On Saturday and Sunday visit is lower.

Welcome at lensart!!! :-)))

Zoran26.июля.08 в 23:36
(2: автор фото)
Always Look on the Bright Side of Life

Zoran26.июля.08 в 23:39
(2: автор фото)
Maybe people (who visited your photo) do not know English, and because of that they were not able to help you.

If you have any question, I am going to answer to you!!!

Ольга Богданова27.июля.08 в 0:44+3
Zoran27.июля.08 в 2:11
(2: автор фото)
it needs time to win back your love again... and collect enough points! :-)))

dms27.июля.08 в 14:09+3
Gudkov Vladimir27.июля.08 в 17:24+3
7it would be great if you write some comments to your photo (what, where...). good luck here!

tb_parazitka27.июля.08 в 17:27
(7: Gudkov Vladimir)
what what where? :|

where was it taken?

it was taken in georgia. tbilisi state universcty's director's room.

Соколовская Елена27.июля.08 в 19:08+3
Зольга28.июля.08 в 15:54+3
Гудак Александр25.авг.08 в 10:44+3
Марина Буренкова25.авг.08 в 20:56+3

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Сейчас обсуждаются фотографии

зима 2025
вот такой январь
4 / 18 / 125
Бедей Анатолий26.фев.25 в 8:02
2Если бы ещё и февраль таким был...

STRANNIK VSELENNOY2.мар.25 в 14:57
(2: Бедей Анатолий)
спасибо! февраль...был другим!

STRANNIK VSELENNOY2.мар.25 в 14:57
(1: Давыдова Наталия)
(Соколовская Елена)
(Виктор Литаврин)
(Регина Волгина)

Mесто фотографирования, Мала Страна-Прага-1
Огненное утро
4 / 15 / 360
Jan22.янв.25 в 2:14
(1: Соколовская Елена)

vladimir sobaka22.янв.25 в 17:50

Jan24.янв.25 в 2:08
(3: vladimir sobaka)

Mесто фотографирования, холм Петршин-Прага-1
ПФ. 2025
6 / 21 / 293
Jan31.дек.24 в 21:50
(2: Соколовская Елена)

vladimir sobaka1.янв.25 в 13:50

Jan2.янв.25 в 21:56
(5: vladimir sobaka)

страница создана 06.03.25 в 04:45:41 (GMT+3)